Andro Expertise

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

They are infections caused by microorganisms or viruses that can be transmitted through sexual contact.

These infections can be spread through intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, and other sexual contact. When looking at STDs in more detail.

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Ways of Spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexual Intercourse: They can be transmitted during vaginal, anal or oral sexual intercourse.

Sexual Contact: Skin-to-skin contact may increase the risk of transmitting STDs.

Mother to Baby: Some STDs can be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy or birth.

Shared Infected Items: Sharing infected items such as needles, nail clippers, tattoo needles, or sexual toys can increase the risk of STD transmission.

Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

CYBH’lar çok sayıda bakteri, virüs, mantar ve parazit oluşturulabilir. Bazı yaygın CYBH’lar şunları içerir:

Chlamydia: Vajina, rahim ağzı ve üretr gibi üreme sistemini etkileyen bir enfeksiyondur.

Gonore (Bel Soğukluğu): Üretra, rahim ağzı, anüs ve boğazda enfeksiyona yol açabilir.

Sifiliz: Cilt lezyonlarına, iç organ hasarına ve nörolojik sorunlara neden olabilen bakteriyel bir enfeksiyondur.

HIV/AIDS: İnsan bağışıklık yetmezlik virüsü (HIV) tarafından oluşturulan, bağışıklık sisteminin zayıflamasına yol açan bir virüs enfeksiyonudur.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus): Genital siğillerin yanı sıra rahim ağzı kanseri gibi ciddi komplikasyonlara neden olabilen virüs bir enfeksiyondur.

Herpes Simpleks Virüs (HSV): Genital herpes olarak bilinen bu virüs, genital bölgeye veya ağıza lezyonlar ve kabarcıklar oluşturur.

Hepatit B ve C: Karaciğer enfeksiyonlarına neden olan virüslerdir ve cinsel temas yoluyla bulaşabilirler.

Prevention and Treatment

STDs can be prevented or diagnosed early with sexual health measures such as condom use and regular sexual health check-ups. If an STD is suspected or symptoms occur, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. Most STDs can be treated with appropriate treatments such as antibiotics or antiviral medications.

The point to remember is that STDs are spread through sexual contact and some may not show symptoms, so regular sexual health checks are important. Being informed about sexual health issues and communicating with a trusted health professional is important for preventing and treating STDs.

You can regain your health in a short time with PCR tests performed specifically for sexually transmitted diseases in our clinic and have an institution you can consult for a safe sexual life.

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Digital Adam Jeff
I recently had the pleasure of visiting Androexpertise Mens Health Center in Istanbul, Turkey for treatment of erectile dysfunction and I have to say that it was an absolute game-changer for me. The level of care and attention I received from the Andrology experts was top-notch and the facilities were modern and clean. I ended up getting a p-shot and the results were life-changing. I loved my overall experience at the center and I can confidently say that it was the best healthcare experience I have ever had. The team at Androexpertise Mens Health Center truly go above and beyond to ensure that their patients receive the highest quality of care. I am so grateful for their expertise and I will definitely be returning for any future health needs. Thank you for such a wonderful experience in Istanbul, Turkey!
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